sims 3 Archive
Double murder (comics from The Sims 3)

This is my old comics (2015). The work is created in The Sims 3 + Photoshop.
Snowman suicide (comics from The Sims 3)

This is my old comics (2015). The work is created in The Sims 3 + Photoshop.
Sadness (comics from The Sims 3)

This is my old comics (2014). The work is created in The Sims 3 + Photoshop.
Global fixes (Sims 3 & Sims 4 objects)

Announcement: global fixes in objects Sims 4 and Sims 3 lately. Please, redownload files and delete old ones before installing new ones!
28 Jun 17
CategoryBuild Mode Doors & Windows The Sims 4 Furniture Decor The Sims 3 Furniture Decor
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Laundry Decor Set (The Sims 3)

You can find all items in category Bathroom – Laundry or Decor – Miscellaneous Decor (2$ & 15$). The archive contains .package and .sims3pack formats.
Dining Set with cloth (The Sims 3)

You can find chair in category Dining Chairs (75$) and tables in category Dining Tables (100$ & 125$). The archive contains .package and .sims3pack formats.
Paintings Set (for The Sims 3)

You can find paintings in category Decor – Paintings and Posters. Vertical painting (Painting1) consist of 8 recolors, horizontal painting (Painting2) consist of 12 recolors. The archive contains .package and .sims3pack formats.
Radiators and Air coolers (The Sims 3)

The archive contains .package and .sims3pack formats. You can find radiators in category Decor – Miscellaneous decor/Sculptures and air conditioning in Decor – Miscellaneous decor/Sculptures/Paintings and Posters.
Kitchen Decor Set (The Sims 3)

The archive contains .package and .sims3pack formats. You can find all kitchen decor in category Decor – Miscellaneous decor.
Kitchen Furniture Set (The Sims 3)

The archive contains .package and .sims3pack formats. You can find all kitchen counters in category Surfaces – Counters, and all cabinets in category Surfaces – Cabinets.