Living Room Archive
Upholstered furniture set (The Sims 2)

This is my old creation (July 31, 2009). Living set: padded stool, armchair, sofa 2×1 and 3×1.
Kid’s Furniture Set (for The Sims 2)

This is furniture set for kids: dining table and chairs, desk, sconce, bed (+ bedclothes recolor), commode, endtable, boombox and TV. This meshes is created in original game and should work with any addons.
Retro Armchair (for The Sims 2)

Mesh consists of 2 subsets: frame and fabric, both it is possible to recolour (3 recolor: black-and-white, orange, watermelon). This mesh is created in original game and should work with any addons.